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Why Do We Kill Innovation Instead of Nurturing It!?

Kudos to Chris DeRose and Noel Tichy for their article discussing why companies stop innovation. This is a very well written article, I invite everyone to read it. It has always been curious to me why and for what rational reason would companies not encourage more innovation by all their staff. Here is the thought:…

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2013 Technology Trends: What Do You Think?

Here are Gartner’s picks for the top technology trends for 2013, which among the regular set of suspects, brings in enterprise App-store and strong emphasis on Big Data. To be honest, I have yet not formulated my 2013 list yet and wanted to get your thoughts. I hope in 2013 we are rising above analytics…

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If Samsung Can Innovate, Why Don’t Other Large Companies as Well?

Fellow readers, I have discussed the following with a number of you already, but wanted to open the dialog to a larger group and get your perspective. I am fascinated with what is going on with Samsung right now, and more importantly WHY I don’t see this happening at other larger companies. With ProVoke, I…

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Big Data: Data and Analytics Unleashed!

When I think about Big Data , I think in 3 dimensions: 1. What is Big Data and why does it matter? 2. The science & art of understanding Big Data = Data Science 3. Analytics and Big Data It is for this reason that I very much enjoyed the Harvard Business Review, HBR October issue.…a…

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Just Because You Call Staff "Genius," Doesn't Make It True

For those of us who have made appointments at an Apple store and sat down with a ‘genius’ for over an hour to diagnose a problem and been frustrated, we wonder, is ‘genius’ an appropriate term? I have now spent hours at the flagship Apple store here in Seattle, situated steps away from the Microsoft…

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The ‘Human’ and ‘Emotional’ Side of Innovation

Folks, for those of you who know me, you know that I LOVE large enterprises. I believe in the massive potential in large companies (be it in technology and or any sector), I find the global distribution of possibilities intriguing and the complexity fascinating. Equally, there are days that the politics and inefficiency drive me…

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