Apple iPhone… Please Start Innovating and Imagining Again!

Apple has been one of the great innovators of our age – there is no arguing that! But, what is happening at Apple Computers today (and for the last ~10 years) is less than what I’d expect from the tech giant. Incremental innovation is all I’ve seen, and we’re witnessing the decline of a great…

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AI and Music (XdMind Inc.): The Journey Has Begun!

AI and Music

  Over the last few months, we have heard the term “Generative AI” and Music a lot. Sometimes also referred to as AI-generated music, non-musicians using computer algorithms effectively producing music, vs. artists, musicians, music labels, and studios. Clearly, this can be a bit alarming, if one assumes there will be an immediate replacement of…

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Cutting AI Ethics Staff – Worst Decision by Big Tech Companies!

AI and algorithms are and will be used heavily by the tech industry and our society. It is more crucial than ever to monitor the accuracy of AI and the ethical obligations which come with assuring that information is correct, should be distributed, and the ethical consequences of having ‘algorithms’ replacing ‘human ethics and intellect.’…

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Billions of Things and Cyber Security

cyber security for our changing world

Over the last many months, I have been engaged in great conversations with colleagues about what cyber security will look like when we have billions of things connected in our future hyper-connected IoT world. How do you control and manage cyber security and illegal access when you will have tens of billions of connection points?…

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Layoff+: Tech Company Mega Layoffs plus Remote/Virtual Workforce

empty office

Fall of 2022 will without a doubt be when the major tech companies worldwide will do two things in parallel. 1. Layoff an unprecedented number of employees. AND 2. Slowdown and most likely freeze hiring at full tilt. The combination of these two events by themselves is significant, but we have seen this before. Layoffs…

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Disruptive Technology is ALWAYS Greeted with Doubt, Skepticism and Rejection

Every disruptive technology is greeted with doubt, skepticism, and rejection. That is the normal trend. In 2002-2005 when as the founder of my startup ConnecTerra Inc, by all accounts the world’s first official IoT company, I started talking to folks about how everything would get on the internet and the economy would be shifting. As…

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Do Smartphones Ruin Our Memory Capacity?

Human Brain

I make a point to remember dates, phone numbers, membership numbers, and addresses. I constantly practice and make a point of remembering dates maybe 3-4 months out. I find that if I don’t do this constantly my brain slows down. Friends and colleagues often ask me… “Why?” They tell me that they no longer remember even their…

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Zoom, Teams: Why Not Innovate Mindfully and With More Impact?

Microsoft Teams - Zoom

In March of 2020, the world changed. Within days, one of the largest digital evolutions happened, globally! Tens of millions of people around the world, at the same time, reverted to virtual communications, instead of in person. Digital became the norm; Zoom and Microsoft Teams exploded. Given the trajectory ahead, it was clear that the…

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Data Intelligence

For decades, we have been fascinated and engaged with collecting and storing data and performing analytics (extracting information from data) POST STORAGE. Today we need to think super-real-time-data intelligence! The amount of data was nowhere close to what we have today, real-time analytics was not the primary concern, and analytics were performed by a small…

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