AI and Music (XdMind Inc.): The Journey Has Begun!

AI and Music


Over the last few months, we have heard the term “Generative AI” and Music a lot. Sometimes also referred to as AI-generated music, non-musicians using computer algorithms effectively producing music, vs. artists, musicians, music labels, and studios. Clearly, this can be a bit alarming, if one assumes there will be an immediate replacement of human-music-talent with computers, algorithms, and machine learning. As of Jan 2023, the world is alarmed (while also excited) a step further with ChatGPT, where via machine learning, the algorithms have become more sophisticated, can better and more directly respond to your demands, and in this content, generate music that you might actually like and will get better over time.

First, I must say that the portrayal of the short-sightedness of the music industry by the press is quite inaccurate. The music industry IS ACTIVELY exploring AI technology as an integral part of the future of music technology and embracing the possibilities. This is from my last 3 years of experience working directly with all the labels across the world. Yes, the music industry is naturally concerned because AI music is royalty-free, and potentially pumping thousands of royalty-free music into the current base of music content, can cause major problems. And in some cases, the music industry is taking a position and retaliates with threats to prosecute any AI music that could be proven to ‘resemble’ an artist’s music. However, this does not mean that the music industry is unaware of the potential of AI technology. I encourage the press not to just produce content to catch eyeballs, and rather focus on the evolution of the world of music more mindfully.

Like most other innovations, AI is not simply just a threat, but can also be used to help artists and the music industry. AI can help us understand end-users, and can continuously delight listeners with fantastic music from large and indie labels, and not just limited to pre-designed streaming lists of songs.

In fact, new sophisticated AI systems will bring millions of songs (assets of music content owners) to hundreds of millions of new listeners, gamers, video producers, etc. This will allow the revenue of the music industry to skyrocket, instead of the slower-than-desired growth they are seeing. This also means that more artists will be introduced to more listeners, not just the top artists! The music industry is aware and is embracing these possibilities.

At @Xdmind Inc., over the last few years, we have been building highly sophisticated AI and ML systems to create this future of the music business.

More on this to come, but the bottom line is: Looking at AI as a threat is a dead-end rabbit hole where no one wins. Treating AI as an opportunity will not only transform the world of music but also delight millions of fans and so much more. We need to go beyond the rhetoric and explore the true potential of AI and music. At XdMind, we are changing the world of music with AI!


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