AI, Facebook & Dating: Disaster In The Making?

What is totally unclear about Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement of Facebook getting into the dating game, is HOW MUCH of which private information of users will be used to make matches, and HOW or what he calls ‘long term relationships’! Privacy measures?

We have learned that Facebook users are trusting and prioritize ‘likes’ way much more than data breaches. Facebook showed it is incapable of upholding this trust, as data can be shared without user knowledge.

Facebook has the absolute responsibility to get PERMISSION from users to share ANY data. Unlike other dating sites, Facebook has over a decade of personal information and has shown tremendous poor judgement to date. So it is up to users to DEMAND absolute protection of their privacy. Else, via AI and machine learning and deep learning, Facebook can reach way too deep without the user’s knowledge. AI could totally go wrong!

Facebook users also should know WHO Facebook is selling the information to, else we are looking at the mega trolling disasters of the century, bundled nicely in the happy promise of perfect matchmaking. Micro level authorizations will be required! We are all for happy long term relationships and wish the best for all.

For gains in revenue at Facebook, personal information should NEVER be mistreated. Ever again!