Can You Innovate if You Don’t Communicate?

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(Photo credit: gfpeck)

Over the last year, while working with some of my clients in the area of disruption and innovation and building the Culture of Innovation with them, I have witnessed something most interesting and alarming. If folks are totally introverted and non-communicative, can we built a culture of innovation?

Innovation by default requires collaboration, communication and brainstorming. It is possible that a totally introverted, extremely bright person could come up with a brilliant idea, patent it and get a product to the market without collaborating with peers. But, in large company, attempting to do this in a complex ecosystem is almost impossible. You have to work with R&D, products development, manufacturing, marketing, sales, management and many others. Without the willingness to communicate, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible to maneuver this maze.

Some of my clients have shared their stories with me: some are extreme introverts and really do not enjoy working with others. Some have expressed discomforts due to cultural barriers. Others have shared that they are uncomfortable in confrontational situations, so they would rather not get into battles and just ‘do their thing’. Some have explained that the politics of the situation are not pleasant to them and some have actually expressed the feeling that ‘hey, other people just don’t get it so I no point trying to explain.’ And there are many other reasons that have been mentioned.

I feel for my clients and understand their concerns. We are all different human beings. However, when it comes to innovation, brainstorming and idea-storming, doing so without collaboration is extremely difficult and not highly productive. How do you continually bounce ideas off of your own thoughts?! The resistance that many find frustrating in ‘selling’ an idea, is the ‘resistance’ that the market may have towards your idea. So, collaboration is a way to deal with those resistances and rejections in advance.

Finding productive ways to collaborate is key. I do not know how to collaborate and brainstorm in total silence! Do you? It is great to find ways to overcome some of our personal resistances and our own discomfort. It is always a pleasure when we work together to find ways to productively collaborate. Would love to hear your thoughts!