Thank You!

As we bring 2013 to a close, I wanted to thank all of you who opened up your doors and companies and invited me into your companies in 2013 for us to work on disruption and innovation. I appreciate the openness of our interactions, your great attitudes and what we accomplished. Too many to name by name, and also for trust and confidentiality reasons, I can not discuss specifics, but a blog thanking you is well in order.

C of D Symbol FINAL

All of you are extremely successful, high revenue and growing companies. So your willingness to embrace disruption and the necessity of building a Culture of Disruption (CofD) is remarkable. We have worked through and continue to work through the stages of resistance as we build a sustaining culture of disruption.

Furthermore, I appreciate the fact that you have embraced the difficulties and resistances, and realize that a 20-50 year old stable culture does not change overnight. It takes time, perseverance and patience. At all levels.

Congratulations for your efforts to build an Ecosystem of Disruption (ProVoke), even if it seems risky and forces you to be pushed to the edges of your comfort zone!


2013 was a magnificent year of working with extremely bright, dedicated and talented individuals around the world: From India to China, Silicon Valley to South America, Europe to Africa. In particular, remarkable as the industries I worked with traditionally would have been highly closed and resistance to change. 2013 was also the year that innovation became the agenda for many companies and industries around the globe. To innovate, we need to disrupt and ProVoke has become part of the journey.

So, thank you for allowing me to be part of your fantastic journey of disruption, experimentation, evolution and innovation.

In 2013:

  • We opened the receptors and started the journey of disruption
  • We learned that true leadership comes from influence, impact and inspiration
  • We recognized that we are surrounded with massive talent. Need to build the right ecosystem of disruption and innovation

2014 and beyond:

  • Become the years that we will start actively disrupting (experimenting)
  • Mindfully innovating
  • Developing highly sustainable and critical Global Cultures of Disruption!

Thank you for allowing me to be part of this great journey with you!

Let’s Disrupt | Innovate | Lead