AI and Music (XdMind Inc.): The Journey Has Begun!

AI and Music

  Over the last few months, we have heard the term “Generative AI” and Music a lot. Sometimes also referred to as AI-generated music, non-musicians using computer algorithms effectively producing music, vs. artists, musicians, music labels, and studios. Clearly, this can be a bit alarming, if one assumes there will be an immediate replacement of…

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Cutting AI Ethics Staff – Worst Decision by Big Tech Companies!

AI and algorithms are and will be used heavily by the tech industry and our society. It is more crucial than ever to monitor the accuracy of AI and the ethical obligations which come with assuring that information is correct, should be distributed, and the ethical consequences of having ‘algorithms’ replacing ‘human ethics and intellect.’…

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Billions of Things and Cyber Security

cyber security for our changing world

Over the last many months, I have been engaged in great conversations with colleagues about what cyber security will look like when we have billions of things connected in our future hyper-connected IoT world. How do you control and manage cyber security and illegal access when you will have tens of billions of connection points?…

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Why is Your Company Resisting Using AI???


This article in Financial Times refreshed a question that I have been struggling with for a long time: Why are companies hesitant to use AI? AI is all around us and everyone has heard about it. Large companies with massive engineering staff are refusing to use AI, and I think this article points out one…

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Personalization: Where Are You?


My passion for data has always been to harness information into useful insights in order to improve services and delight customers, not to collect, archive, then never change business models. My personal data is stored by almost all my vendors, yet no vendor has yet stepped up to use this data (anonymously) to vastly improve…

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Are You Ready?

IMAGINE: The ability to intelligently synchronize your favorite music while you are playing a video game. IMAGINE: Dynamic adaptation of your favorite music to your game, happening without any effort or any interruptions to your game. IMAGINE: No longer needing to listen to the same tracks or muting the game music and playing random music! IMAGINE: How much…

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Data Intelligence

For decades, we have been fascinated and engaged with collecting and storing data and performing analytics (extracting information from data) POST STORAGE. Today we need to think super-real-time-data intelligence! The amount of data was nowhere close to what we have today, real-time analytics was not the primary concern, and analytics were performed by a small…

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You, AI, & Facial Recognition:

One major use of AI in industry is Image Recognition. Many are working on ways of using facial & other image recognition to improve operations, sales, & revenue. I hope many are also working on using image and facial recognition to improve customer experience & to create ‘fantastic’ online or in-store shopping experiences. For example,…

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How are Artificial Intelligence (AI) Investments Doing in 2020?

2020 has been a challenging year! While it seems the world has stopped while we deal with the pandemic, innovation in areas such as AI skyrocket. So, what is the AI investment landscape in 2020? As of June 1, 2020, about 800 VC AI deals have been conducted for a total of about $9B. Note…

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