I’m Listening…Tell me Your Disruption

November began at a breakneck pace. My latest book, Provoke, released, and the Provoke trailer debuted.  If you haven’t seen it yet, you can go to the Linda Bernardi  YouTube channel and check out both versions- rock or techno. I’ve also been working behind the scenes, with my team on the marketing campaign as well as preparing for a trip to India for Nasscom. There I’ll be speaking on how Innovation is happening more outside Silicon Valley than inside. Then there is my very involved technology strategy business, StraTerra Partners, which allows me to be deeply engaged with large enterprises where we look at disruptive innovation.

I  also became a certified Power Yoga instructor this summer. Just one more project to add to the mix. The challenge there is finding the time to teach, as it is key to teach a number of classes. My fellow yogi’s have been patient as they know Provoke has just released.

Those are just the big projects I have going on. Add to that my  regular life, (juggling children, home, and husband), and it’s a busy time. Little problems jump up and create even more challenges, as I’m sure they do for you. One thing I’m excited about is that I became a certified Power Yoga instructor this summer.

How do I balance it all? Where do I find the energy? Why did I even write Provoke if I have so many other things going on in my life?  Because I believe in disruption. I believe in its power to push innovation. Moreover, I believe you have the power to disrupt.

My reputation is of one who takes risks. Someone who speaks the truth whether or not  it’s popular or well received. The person who points out the big elephant in the room that everyone else is ignoring. Perhaps that is why I’m called upon to speak by universities, global enterprises, and large corporations repeatedly.  Invitations I happily accept.

I’m gravely concerned at the lack of attention on the weakened state of innovation on a global scale. My philosophy has always been “Brilliant solutions for complex problems.” However, in my career I’ve found that brilliance is not enough without action- without disruption. To drive long time economic growth, create wealth, and solve real problems we must reach beyond our comfort zones, grab the world by the shirt collar, and say, “Let’s try this!”

How about you? Do you have an idea that demands attention? Does it promise to innovate and disrupt?

Tell me I want to know.

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1 Comment

  1. ashie hirji aGEMofanIDEA on November 22, 2011 at 2:11 pm

    Hello Linda

    Your post & link was posted on a group site, Your article caught my attention. I connected with you on twitter. I have a story to tell & my view points about why women of color and women in business also have a tougher time to get funded. I have been working in the digital cyber sector for protected end user tools since 2004. I am not going to repeat the full story here, the challenges I have faced in getting funded or even for people to listen to what we were doing – countless business plans were sent and yet could not get funded. When you have time check “my human story” on my blog via the link about. my banner site is called “a gem of an idea”.. On another note women of color, women in business have a harder time to be also accepted, when applying for funding. I have information how many angel groups politely decline. I am hoping you will be open to listening to what I am doing in the digital space with a few tech leaders. best wishes Ashie Hirji founder “a GEM of an IDEA #women4tech #ethical practices for enduser protection.